I missed getting Miss King's picture in the order of presentation. My computer does not allow me to move them once they have been entered. I do not want to erase everything and start over. All I can say, she is a very brave woman to stand up to the wrath of her family to be here on this day.

Jesse and I arrived at the Lincoln Memorial at 6:30 AM to this crowd. We learned people spent the night here. The park police would not allow anyone to sleep. You had to be sitting up and awake all of the time as camping on the grounds is not permitted.

Both of these shots were also taken at 6:30 AM

Jesse wanted a
souvenir of the Rally so he purchased this flag. Not thinking that he could not take the pole with him on the plane.

One of these two gentlemen had fingernail clippers with them and was able to cut the zip ties that were holding the flag to the stick. They then took the time to fold it for Jesse. In return they took the pole to use as a walking stick.

Palin!! What a woman! Say what they want to say about her, she has it all! She spoke as the mother of a Combat Veteran. You remember, this was a Rally whose purpose was to Restore Honor to our Service men. I felt fortunate to be close enough to see without having to watch the entire rally on the big screen.

Jesse and his

Glenn Beck. Before I left for this rally, I was seeing things being posted by Christians that we Christians should not attend because of Glen's religion. We should not be unequally yoked and we should not stand before our God with a
Mormon. That God would not hear our prayers because
Mormons are not true Christians. It is amazing to me how the enemy works to divide and conquer. I know that my God heard my prayer that day. I know he heard many prayers that day. I know that Glenn has a passion to save our country from sheer ruin and he is willing to put his life on the line to do so. He also has a passion for the wounded veterans. Like Sean
Hannity he has taken on an organization that helps children of our fallen
hero's attend college. There was a collection taken for the
SWOF during the rally. I have not heard the official count of how much was given, but I
guarantee it was much. We were able to text a number on our cell phone to donate.

There were over 200 men and women of the cloth who stood before us and pledged to fight for our country. They were dubbed the Black Robe Brigade.

1000, 87,000, just a couple of the numbers I picked up from the web. I think not. I would say we topped 700,000. There was not a hotel room available in the entire city. I heard of people sharing their rooms with strangers just so they would have a place to stay. I was contacted by someone asking if I would share with them, but since I had my grandson along, I did not feel it was prudent to do so.

Leaving the park after the rally. I stayed until the park had cleared because I have a difficult time walking and did not want to be jostled by the crowd.

The park after the crowds had cleared. It had not been cleaned by anyone yet. Contrast to anything left in former Liberal gatherings.
THANK YOU GLENN for an amazing uplifting day with people from across the nation who are of a like mind.