Thursday, October 8, 2009

Poll: Did you favor Chicago getting the Olympics?

Poll: Did you favor Chicago getting the Olympics?


  1. To be brutally honest, no I didn't. I see no reason to award one of the most corrupt cities outside D.C. itself with such an honor.

    On a different reason to say no, there has been no long term benefits from housing the Olympics. On the contrary, Most cities that have built new arenas and infrastructure get stuck with unusable buildings and a lot of out of work construction workers after the event is over.

  2. I honestly didn't care one way or the other where the Olympics would be. Ask me whether or not I think Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize. You might get an earful, LOL

  3. Well, according to Michelle our students would do better in school if they only had olympic roll models!

  4. No no a thousand times no! Think of all the murdered tourists there would have been & the Olympics, NEVER make money they always COST the host city.
    As has already been said not just NO but HE double hockey sticks NO.

  5. Although I didn't care whether or not the Olympics came to Chicago, I thought it would have been cool if they did. What I found disgusting was the way some on the right gloated and cheered that Chicago's bid was rejected. I don't think they could have cared less about The Olympics coming to Chicago. All that mattered to them is that Chicago's rejection in their mind was a blemish against President Obama.

    If George W. Bush had tried to get the Olympics to come to Houston while he was in office, I have a feeling that members of the right wouldn't have been talking about all of the negatives. They also would have been outraged (and rightfully so) if Houston's bid was rejected and liberal bloggers and pundits like Keith Olbermann rejoiced over it.


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